Wednesday, June 22, 2022


From the Bottom of the Bucket

Where there is no Gardener, there is no Garden

I have written in the past about the Japanese garden in my backyard.  We call it The Sanctuary.  It is over thirty years old now and has come to be my favorite place on Earth.  Over the years, it has been cared for by a succession of younger friends, but none of them with the attention of Rodney, our current gardener.  He has been a friend for many years and we are humbled by his contribution.  He teaches by example and his innovative thinking is only matched by his love of plants.

It has been said that a garden is a place where Nature and Man come together to contemplate one another.  That is certainly true in The Sanctuary.  As my wife and I are besieged with the decay that comes with aging, the garden is a constant reminder of the Cycle of Life.  The animal life that visits prompts you to remember that our world is populated with many species and that Nature cares little for the ego of Man. The waterfalls provide a constant backdrop of soothing sound to spirit away the noise of Life.

But none of this would be possible without Rodney’s efforts. For there is a difference between Natural and Wild.  It is inspiring to watch the garden blossom under his care.  It is a partnership in every sense as they need each other.  How many times are we guilty of thinking the world revolves around our exclusive efforts - that our opinion is Truth and our points of view are exclusively accurate?

We all need a place where we can put things in perspective and we need to visit it often. We also need a Rodney to groom this Retreat for renewing Energy. Without them, our Spirits wither.  Those of you that have these precious gifts, be thankful.  If you don’t , make the effort to get them.  It will be worth it.

Until next month, I wish you fulfillment.





  1. Your installments are always a highpoint in the month. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. inspiration comes from many masters - you and Rodney are both masters!

  3. Thanks Bob for your inspiring words.
