Thursday, April 23, 2020

From the Bottom of the Bucket

          Go With the Flow, But Choose Your Own River !

You know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder every day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello." - John Prine

I have been slow to write this month’s post because, like me, I am sure you are tired of COVID-19 material.  Still, after almost six weeks of isolation, I think it has influenced my perspective to the extent that I must comment. So here are some observations.

1)    The real strength we are calling on has been with us all along.  We just tuned it out with social “noise”.  It is times like these that you define what you are about.  With no excuses of things “taking up” your time, your actions define what you consider important..

2)    Creative thinking was and is a habit you can cultivate. Our “normal” routines have been turned upside down.  It’s not that we have to abandon the Activities, but find new ways to do them.  Think tele-conferencing.

3)    Relationships are as important as they were before this mess, it’s just you have to be proactive about them.  This was always the case (see #1 above) but now you have run out of excuses.  Take some time each day to tell someone how much they mean to you, offer to help if you can.

4)    The Internet has been an important tool in this battle. Quit complaining about having to learn new  ways to use and embrace this media as part of your life, BUT keep it in perspective.

5)    To quote John Lennon: “All you need is Love”.  It can take many forms, but caring is an essential part of being fulfilled.

6)    Reinforce the Activities you are committed to, BUT relax on how you do them. Let the Flow take you to some new aspect that opens you to new ways of doing the routines that you feel define you.

Until next month, I wish you fulfillment.

