Monday, November 25, 2019

From the Bottom of the Bucket

"All my life's a circle.............."  Harry Chapin
It seems that the past two months have zipped by, and I find myself a bit behind on my posts.  My health is still aggravating me, but I am coping.  The mental part is the toughest, trying to keep upbeat, when life is trying to stay downbeat.  Still, the give and take goes on and with it, new insights.
As many of you might remember, my Mother, who is ninety-six, resides in a assisted living facility.  She has made a home out of the room she has, but continues to decline in capability.  On my visit the other day, she proudly presented me with a present.  A hand colored picture, that she, with her arthritic figures, colored.  She used a set of pencils that I bought her and the colors came from her mind.

What a gift.   She spends countless hours in her room, much of which is dealing with ailments and contemplating how much time she has  left.  Yet, she reverts to a childhood activity of expressing herself in coloring.   The joy she feels is genuine and it is a source of amazement to me.
With all of the lofty goals we set for our lives and the attainment (or not) of fulfillment, it is somehow comforting to know that the simple things are the most enduring and, as hard as the body tries to distract you with pains  and ailments, the mind  can still imagine a colorful world of butterflies and smiling beetles.
We should all be so lucky to see those shades.
Until next month, I wish you fulfillment.



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