Tuesday, April 11, 2017

From the Bottom of the Bucket

          May You Live in Interesting Times"  - A Chinese Proverb
Over the past quarter I have been reading two books that share an interesting combination of perspectives on our current state of affairs.  I would like to share a few observations.
The first one, Thank You for Being Late by Thomas Friedman, describes how the rapid acceleration of technology is overwhelming human being's ability to adapt.  He points out numerous examples of the anxiety that is becoming prevalent as tech tools and the Internet spawn endless innovations.  He points to 2007 as the pivotal year, that being the year the iPhone was introduced and web access became completely and globally available.  When he wrote the book The World id Flat in 2011 (about the impact of the Internet), there was no mention of Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc (because they weren't around)- and that was just SIX years ago!  He makes a case for the acceleration of Moore's Law (Google it), which is no surprise, but what he also does which is of great interest, is tie this phenomenon to global geopolitical unrest and climate change.  Connections that I would not have thought of.
That leads me to the second book, How the Hell Did This Happen? by P.J. O'Rourke.  This book offers a more humorous view of the state of world politics in general, and in America in particular.  God knows it seems like we could use some wit at the moment.  He concludes with a chapter on Populism, the spin name given to the disruption on the traditional structures of society and the rebellion against the "Elite Order" (his term) in all institutions.  He (like Friedman) makes a connection between this movement and the Internet, or to quote him directly:  
"And whose bright idea was it to make sure that every idiot in the world is in communication with every other idiot?"

Friedman sees this movement as a reaction to the anxiety and sense of helplessness that is the direct result of humans inability to keep up with change that the technology is driving, 

 It is not my goal to join in the conversation (can we call it that?) of these issues, I will leave that to the more sophisticated people.  What I want to do is stress the importance of weathering these changes by affirming your commitment to Balance and Integrity.  You have no choice but to deal with these issues, but the key to a fulfilling journey is how you do so.

If you use something like the Roles & Activity model, your stability is much more likely to guide you as you adapt to the change that is always present.  If you have spent some time defining who you are, what you stand for, and how you will allocate your resources, you are much more likely to participate in a dialogue with your life.  As I have often said, become the subject not the object of the sentence of your life.

It is the end of the 1st quarter, why not take a half day and review your circumstance?  If you would like, use the forms on this blog for structure.  The confidence you regain as you affirm your role in choosing your path will serve as a strong foundation to operate from.

Until next month, I wish you fulfillment



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