Monday, August 2, 2021


From the Bottom of the Bucket

            The Duke and Duchess of the Deck

“All hands on deck”  - Naval Command

As we continue our journeys to find our “new normal”, I am struck how many lessons are awaiting us as we rediscover our existence. Projects that focus on defining what our standards will be going forward. For us, these exercises included replacing our deck with a newer version. One that was defined by our current expectations on how we will use it.   After a year if isolation, we were more than ready to expand our living space to include an outdoor venue where we could enjoy our Japanese garden and soak up Mother Nature’s Energy.

We talked about how our Activities might be adjusted to include entertaining guests, with the option of preparing meals cooked outdoors.  We also wanted to have a permeant fireplace that would be gas operated so we could form a Fire Circle at a moment’s notice.

My wife is a big fan of cooking shows and I wanted her to take what she learned over the past year and reenergize this area of our home. She did just that, selecting an artisan to add this new interpterion to an old concept. She bought deck furniture, a grill and supervised the entire process. The finished product has us outdoors every time Mother Nature offers a chance.  As one is seduced by the sound of waterfalls, birds and wind chimes, you can feel the Energy entering your soul.

Each time I sit out there, I am struck by the thought that it is important to reinvent yourself.  It is thru this Activity we gain fresh perspective to our Journey. We gain confidence in our visions by bringing them from our mind to reality, reaffirming the possibility of a positive future  After a year of glumness, it is a joy to reclaim the high ground!

So, think about your old normal as you remodel it.  Then refurbish your new normal to reflect the past and embrace the future


Until next month, I wish you fulfillment.

