Sunday, March 18, 2018

From the Bottom of the Bucket

Rotating Your Realms
Those of you familiar with my system recognize the graph below.
I refer to the segments of the circle as Realms and because I have changed my life by retiring,
It is time to revisit these Realms, since the "Professional" segment has decreased to nothing, thus releasing resources that were supporting the Activities associated with those Realm & Roles, easier said than done !
In my professional career, I met many people who defines who they were by what they did for a living.  Losing this identity was quite a shock to these people as they had no direction to fall back on.  I have always encouraged people to start your march towards Balance today, so you will be prepared for the changes  that are sure to come your way.

I have decided to replace "Professional" with "Public" and realign my Roles to these new Realms.
The new model looks like this:

I have now decided what Realms will define my Activities, which I have not completed. But, in my research several themes have been repeated.   For aging to be a rewarding experience, you must learn new things (Grow), you must help others , especially younger people (Giving), and you must take each day as it comes, being thankful for the good in your life (Gratitude).  I will chose my Activities with these theses in mind.
The point is that the Circle of Life does rotate and these shifts require a revisit with who you are.  What you have been is in the past, the future will be influenced by what you do, be purposeful.
More on Activities next month.
Until next month, I wish you fulfillment.